February 18, 2014

Knocking 308 engine? The remedy could be very simple...

Lately my308 has developed knocking or pinging sound during hard acceleration at speeds around 50km/hr. The problem persists even after using RON97 fuel! So far, for almost five years there was no such knocking even running on RON95 fuel.

I used eTuners Lionheart software for diagnostic (free download HERE). It tells there is "super knocking" but short of showing up the cause. (what more I can expect frm a FREE stuff, anyway?

When the car was sent to local autArised service centers/garages for advice - they either suggest to do top overhaul to remove carbon built-up or to the extent of  replacing the timing chain solely based on fault code P1385.

Alternatively, after googling around finally I got an advice to check whether knock sensor is faulty and I was guided to a site How to Check a Knock Sensor for Continuity . 

Surprisingly... the advice was right (no autA punyier). After replacing the knock sensor at RM350 (USD100+) the problem is solved like magic... 

... and now not only I can save from  unnecessary sky-high repair expenses but I can still enjoy lower-cost RON95 fuel. So far so good. Sprinting away from traffic lights is still a fun like before... :)


  1. Maybe mine has the same issue? Mine happed once when accelerate 50km/h, then twice happen at 90km/h... however using odb2 elm v1.5, i could not retrieve anay fault code

  2. Aron... tt could be similar problem as mine. Better inspect your car knock sensor first.

  3. Mine still under warranty. Will visit sc this saturday and get them check on the knock sensor....i have visited them twice before. Both time they say cant find any error, so cant report, thua no work can be carried out.

  4. Quite hard to believe they cannot detect any fault. Probably they try to avoid warranty claim. Why not sent the car to independent Peugeot w/shop for 2nd opinion. More often than not it works that way.

  5. Hi wan

    Where is the knock sensor, it's hard to make out on your image. Anyway great advice
