July 16, 2014


Orga-Calculator  tells WHEN and WHERE your Peugeot was assembled.

Production locations
81 = Poissy France
82 = Villaverde Spain
83 = Ryton UK
85 = Vesoul France
87 = Eiv Poissy France
88 = Mulhouse France
89 = Sochaux France
U5 = Pininfarina Italy
U8 = Sevel Italy
U9 = Sevel nord France
UT = Kolin Czech
CA = Aulnay France
CJ = Rennes France
FV = Vigo Spain
G8 = Creil France
G9 = Gennevilliers France
RE = Rennes France

Click on the button below and calculate the production date of your Peugeot.

For instance for AHW308...

... was assembled @ Sochaux France (code#89) on October 7th 2008 (code#11656). Mmmh.. almost 6yrs old already and is it now overdue to look for another peugeot ? 


  1. Sy dapati 308 terlebih besar untuk kegunaan harian, manakala 206 yg saya guna tiap2 hari agak kecil dan under power. Kedua2 kereta ini tidak memberi banyak masaalah so far.

    Skrg tengah dok congak nak cari kereta yg lebih kecil dari 308 dan sedikit lebih besar dari 206 dan yg penting lebih power dari 308 ...
