November 20, 2010

Will be back...

I'm still alive and active but pls accept my apology for not be able to update this blog often. Lately I'm too busy la. I'll be back after my car is 2 yrs otr or has clocked 40,000km wecf...

The car has just clocked 33,000km after being abused for 20 months. Apart from the battery, no other part has been replaced as yet. Looks like tyres and brake pads will last as long as the spark plugs.... i.e beyond 40,000km.
Tyre condition after 33,000km of abuse

The reason for the extended km is because I drive the car mostly for long distances... unlike those who drive in cities who spend more time on brake pedals than the accelerator...

I'm happy with the car. Probably I'm just lucky to own one of the least problematic 308Turbo on Malayan soil to date...

Thanks again for visiting.


  1. 33k is damn good... my car got to change every 15k... that is worse!

  2. Probably, the manual transmission coupled with extraordinary torque after remapping had produced lots of wheel-spin and rubber-burning on the tarmac during taking off kot...
