August 29, 2009

Will 308Turbo suffer power loss when running on RON 95?

RON stands for Research Octane Number - determines anti-knock quality or resistance to pre-ignition or detonation as it burns in the engine cylinders.

Myths: Get more power by using high RON fuel

RON is not energy content. Power output or fuel mileage can NOT be improved by burning higher octane fuel than a particular engine was designed for. A higher octane fuel does not add any more hydrocarbon content or oxygen, the engine cannot produce more power. Hence using fuel with RON higher than what the engine requires may not be necessarily gaining better performance and lower RON doesn't mean less power either. Using higher RON rating also may not necessarily be the best for the engine - there is no guarantee of greater power or a more environment-friendly option as the RON number gets higher unless the engine is designed specifically to run on it.

Peugeot 308 turbo can run [effectively/efficiently] on RON95 as indicated by the label on the back of the fuel filler lid. No worry! Gunalah tanpa waswas.

UPDATE: RON 95 SUITABLE FOR NAZA, KIA AND PEUGEOT VEHICLES - The Naza Automotive Group has encouraged owners of its petrol-powered Naza, Kia and Peugeot vehicles to use the RON 95 fuel. In a statement, the company said RON 95 was suitable for the Naza Ria, Naza Citra, Naza Suria, Naza Citra II Rondo, Kia Sportage, Kia Carnival, Kia Carens, Kia Picanto,Kia Optima, Kia Spectra5, Kia Spectra, Kia Rondo, Naza 206 Bestari, Peugeot 206,Peugeot 407, Peugeot 308 Turbo, Peugeot 308Vti and Naza Forza.

I've also tested RON 95 on all myPeugeots [405, 308, 206] and Mercedes Benz W124. It seemed that the fuel 'ngam' with all those cars - in fact the tail pipes are cleaner [less carbon black]. The engine also run smoothly on RON95 - probably better combustion inside those engine cylinders.

Happy Motoring!

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  1. this was circulating on my mind recently,to use or not to use RON95..thanx for the advise uncle...

  2. Do u observe some modded Japanese cars with large tail pipes and huge ironing board rear spoilers?

    These ppl thinks that by adding octane booster to the petrol can get more power out of their car engines.

    The results... just look at the excessive carbon black soot at the tail pipes. It shows the car engine don't have enough power to burn hi-octane fuel.

    Actually most cars below 200HP don't need hi-octane fuel. Of course there are some higher power hi-compression engines are designed to run only on RON97 or higher to prevent pre-ignition and knocking.

  3. Price Hike Of Petrol Tonight
    Monday, 31 August 2009 10:26

    By Loan Shark

    Very recently, Malaysia Instict has been covertly notified by several petroleum players in this country about the price hike of petrol that would take place as soon as 12.01am of September 1, means Monday midnight.

    The RON95 petrol will be sold at RM1.80 per litre effective Sept 1, which is 5 sen more than its current selling price while RON97 petrol will be at RM2 per litre which is 20 sen higher than its current price RM1.80 per litre.

