August 31, 2009

Wot izit for?

A reader sent uncle.D an email asking...
"...could you kindly have a look at the picture i sent to you. I noticed there is some missing screw or part (blue circled). I'm just guessing here. If your 308 also having that, its nothing then..."
It is going to be another big issue if AW forumers know there is something missing. Probably someone will start a new thread encouraging 308 owners to storm Nassim HQ demanding for the missing part..... he heeee!!

Well, here it is. Guess for yourselves what is it for.
If u ppl found it is not there, try to search here lak
It is a multi-purpose lug - can be used for lifting the engine, towing the car and can also be used as a weapon if know how. The red ribbon is to remind the lug should be removed after use.

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  1. Before 308, i owned a P2 Kelisa until now, my small ride is a very simple ride, just cucuk the key and drive, but for 308 every day i learn something new..heheh macam beruk dapat bunga...always ask some stupid question at aw forum....luckily enough i've found uncle blog to help me to learn more about my lion..tq

  2. There is no 'trivial question' as long as it is Technical. I love to participate the discussion on the matter.

    Unfortunately kat AW nampak gaya terdapat orang2 tertentu yang sama mengulangi isu tertentu berulangkali. Mereka ada agenda, ada konspirasi. Mereka2 ni sengaja mencetuskan sentimen kebencian dikalangan pemilik Peugeot terhadap Nassim khasnya, kerana nama "Nassim" merupakan alergy kepada mereka. Ini isu pokok yang perlu disedari.

    Peugeot Forum di AW tidak semesra dulu lagi walaupun masih terdapat thread yang bermenafaat kepada pemilik Peugeot. Pilih pilih lah thread yang berguna yang memberi manafaat.

    Sekadar pandangan peribadi saja...

  3. hahahaha
    right on uncle.D!!

    i noticed the very same big hole also only just last weekend mase tukar bulb to nightbraker (that was 3 hours of trying to change H1 and H7 my god, susah giler nak bukak! especially for downbeam)

    anyway thut of the hole and then divided not important, but seriously never thut that its meant for lifting the block hehehe

  4. Zubaiauto,
    Would u recommend others to change their bulbs to [Osram?] Nightbraker as well?. Some ppl say almost double the brightness than stock bulbs. Betul ke? But can the polycarbonate cover withstand the extra heat?

    Lastly may I know how much and where u got em?

    he heee..banyak soal la org tua ni.

  5. nice one ...didn't notice also after servicing my filter for so many times.
