March 25, 2010

How to Align Peugeot 308T Headlight Beams

Light beams should be realigned every time after bulbs replacement to avoid causing a nuisance to other road users . The only tools required are 6mm allen key and 8mm socket wrench c/w ratchet handle.

LH and RH headlamps can be adjusted individually for beam height and L-R alignment.

1. Beam Height Adjustment.
Beam Height Adjustment can done by using a 6mm allen key on the adjuster as shown in the picture.
Turn the allen key either clockwise or counter-clockwise until the desired height is achieved. RH beam should always be lower than LH beam height. Repeat for another headlamp. Finally adjust LH and RH beam height simultaneously by using the remote height adjuster below steering column.

2. Beam Alignment.
Beam alignment adjuster is actually hidden. Must locate where is it first. Even some mechanics at authorised SC who are not familiar with 308 don't know where is it!
Use 8mm socket wrench with a ratchet handle to turn the adjuster clockwise or anti clockwise to align the beam.

Screwing in [turning clockwise] the adjuster will align the beam closer to the car axis.

beams on the wall after realignment
UPDATE: Even though the alignment was done, the light beams are not 'friendly' to other road users because of the glare - worse still after installing HIDs. Finally I installed Projector Lenses to reduce glare and to improve light beam focusing.

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