September 26, 2010

30,000th km Service

AHW308 has done almost 30,000km and ready for the scheduled service/maintenance. Will be sending to regular SC on Monday Sept 27th. As usual I will BMO oil and my choice is Mobil-1 Gold*. This time got FREE umbrella [or Lap-top bag]...
[*Mobil-1 Gold 0w-40 membuat enjin terasa lebih mantap dan solid pada red-line berbanding pelincir 0w-30, 5w-30 dan 10w-30]

Pre-Service Inspection
As usual I did my own inspection prior to sending the car for servicing.

New tyre thread depth = 8mm
Average remaining thread depth is 4.175mm
so, sudah makan 3.825mm/30,000km or 1.275mm/10,000km.

If wear limit is 2mm, the remaining usable thread is 2.175mm, i.e lasts another (2.175/1.275)* 10,000km = about 17,000km (making CSC3 tyres to last beyond 45,000km)

Brake Pads:
Front Bakepads sudah makan about 2/3. May require replacement during next service @ 40,000th km. Rear brakepads only gone 50%

click HERE for my typical pre-service inspection.

The 1.5yrs old car. Just done 30,000km.

updated on Sept 27th
Mobil-1 'Gold' : RM245.00
Oil Filter: RM41.00
Drain Plug Washer : RM3.60
Plastic Rivets [for mud-guards - 2nos.] RM3.00
Labour Charge including 'special request' : RM112.00
Service tax: RM5.60
TOTAL maintenance @30,000km: RM410.20


Unknown said...

mine already exceeded 40k, and just celebrating first anniversary on july, changed the front brake pad and the tyre already become botak, hmm...time to change to new tyres..

Wan A. Hadi (one.D) said...

U clocked 40,000km in one year?... as far as I know u r working offshore. Do u drive to the rigs or somethin'? sorry just kiddin'. Probably u drive long distances more often than I do.

I drive outstations covering approx. 1500km per trip once a month only...and I drive my 308T mainly for that purpose - that's why 30,000km in 18months. On short distances and in city I drive 206. To my office I drive 'official car'...

Some city boys change their tyres and brake pads [in some cases including disks as well] before even touched 30,000km. Probably they spent most of their time on brake pedals than on the accelerators... he heee...

For normal driving, tyres and front brake pads on 308T can probably go beyond 40,000km.

So, Tyres and brakepads [F and R] consumptions will be approx 7.5sen/km.

10,000km service: approx. 4sen/km

Sparkplug, air filter, fuel filter, brake fluid, coolant... probably 2.0 sen/km..

Maintenance cost: 13.5sen/km [excluding ATF, fuel, insurance etc..]

Long distance on highway:14sen/km
City: 22sen/km

Roadtax/insurance: RM2000+/yr or RM5.5 per day!

zubairauto said...

uncle... yang "special request" tuh aper...?
saya dlm next 2 weeks nak service 30k km jugak...

nak kena tukar ATF this time sebab dah tak rase beberape smooth especially during 3d gear switching up/down...

tyre dulu 22k km dah tukaq dah.. botaq abis!!

sorry lah uncle, niat nak beraya umah uncle last weekend.. tapi dari last week smp yesterday demam+dhearea.. arinieh baru masuk opis.. redha kan jelah...

Wan A. Hadi (one.D) said...

Oh! regarding that 'special request'... was actually "to check and make sure everythin' along 'Turbo Line' incld BOV was OK" and in good health.

Manalah tau kot ada lebihan rejeki dan sampai seruan untuk tambah boost pressure sikit... ha haaa..

BTW, u masih usetia dgn Mobil-1 lagi ke?

hakimi said...

dasat sungguh zubairauto 22k km dah tukar tayar.....hehehehe

uncle kita punya stock boost baper? 0.8 bar ke? bley suh SC cek ke kita punya boost? leceh betulla xde boost meter nih.

Wan A. Hadi (one.D) said...

ZubairAuto is a different breed of driver u know.... he does 'heel and toe' driving technique all the time even on straight road... thats why his brake pads/disks and tyres makan so fast. ha haaa...

BTW my stock308 boost is around 8.5 to 12psi. Masa mula2 flooring the acc. naik sekitar 12psi, pas tu turun dan stablil sekitar 8.5psi. Tengah dok pikiaq kalu possible naikkan boost ke 10~14psi. Tapi tak brani lagi... tunggu dan kelih dulu.

Unknown said...

uncle .. can manually up boost? you mean by remap right ...

hakimi said...

He means DK Tuning.....can't wait uncle to DK his car....pitih dah berlebey tuuuu...hee {3x}

Unknown said...

i fully utilise my 2 weeks off with my family travelling around, most of them to east coast...that's why the milleage exceeded 40k in one year, but my 40k service expenses shoots up to RM 1340++ including change of front brake pads,disc skimming, spark plugs change, and air filter replacement...not to mention using Total Ineo ECS 5ltr with a price tag of RM 330.

Wan A. Hadi (one.D) said...

Verm, Hakimi...
I do mapping and remapping everyday with my eTrex Vista HCx where ever I'm on-the-move either on 2-wheel or in 4-wheel ... he heee..

For the 308 I'm just thinkin' of the 3rd party "Firmware" update/upgrade for a little bit of extra boost [within safety margin]...

I think I need around RM10,000 [rgt. sepuluh ribu sahaja] @40,000th km [i.e after 2yrs of abuse] for:
1. normal service [RM400+]
2. replacement of brakepads, tyres, s/plugs, brake fluids, coolant... etc [RM3500+]
3. Road tax & insurance renewal [around RM2000]
4. Pay saman e-koq [RM2000+]
5. the 'firmware' update [RM2000+]

rebel kaki said...

hi, uncle. i am going to be a 308T owner coming January. i'm curious to know whether you (and other 308 owners posting here) are still sending your car back to SC for regular servicing? cos i see that all of you are using different oils and different prices.

Wan A. Hadi (one.D) said...

hi Rebel_Kaki,

Welkom to the den.

During warranty period the car should be sent to authorised SC.

U can bring ur own oil to some SC's, while others must use everything frm them. Pandai2lah cari SC yg sesuai ya.

rebel kaki said...

Thanks for the advice.
And thumbs up for the blog, it is very informative.

Perhaps i can meet up with other 308T owners in the future..:)

Denlsw said...

Uncle, as follow your recommendation, I brought my own Mobil 1 0-40 to KS for 10k service and they use all 4 liters. Is that too much or not enough? As some forumer said need only 3.75 with oil filter change but KS said need 5 liter. I check my oil stick after the car cool down for 1 hour, it shows up to the max level.

Should I top up another 1 liter or ask them to use only 3.75 liter next time?

What is your advise?

Wan A. Hadi (one.D) said...

Some ppl refill their engine oil as little as 3.75liters while others pour in the whole pack of 4 liters.

My engine sump needs 4.25 liters (with the filter cart replaced)... The additional .25liter is to 'flood' the oil filter. I've been doing this three times already. With enough oil in the sump I do not have to check the oil level often.

Anyway, the difference is only +-250cc. i.e equivalent to a cup. But if u fill in as little as 3.75 liters u must check the dipstick more often.

Anonymous said...

Nv know we can bring own engine oil. Was refused by sc.

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