When I planned to buy another car in 2008/2009 my basic specs were:-
- costs less than RM150k
- should be able to accelerate from 0 to 100kph in less than 10sec.
- top speed beyond 200kph.
- must also have adequate safety features
- Continental car
The only cars shortlisted around that time were of course the New Peugeot 308T and a used W203. I opted for the former. Actually I was one of those who booked the 308T even before it was launched. Subsequently I canceled my booking on the used [2nd hand] 3-pointed star W203K to replace the old W124.
However over time, the performance seems to deteriorate slightly [based on butt-dyno]. I also asked for opinions from fellow 308T owners. As usual there were quick answers such as long term effect on RON95 and high viscosity oil that I used, etc...
I didn't jump into any conclusion as yet without technical proof, so I decided to carry out tests to verify. I did the sprint tests twice on the same road but on different days and at different time and the result ...
To my surprise, the car does not only maintain its performance but has improved in century acceleration timing. Now it takes between 9.0 to 9.1 seconds to sprint . For instance the car is still in its original condition and running on RON95 gasoline. Last year it took between 9.2 to 9.4 seconds! [click HERE]
Peugeot 308T performance does not deteriorate as yet even after clocking 25,000km [only butt-dyno tells otherwise] . So does its performance on cheaper and lower RON rating fuel.
Next is standing test...
Comparing with last year's data the test shows that there is an improvement in 400m standing by 0.2 seconds down to 16.1 seconds.
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begin to build up confidence on my 308t...kudos to uncle
hahahhaha....uncle is the fellow 308 u mentioned is referring to me. terasa nih. hehehehe....
ye ke? ha haaaa...
haiyah ... getting better so cannot racun for ptron or remap ...
uncle bila mau remap????
Verm, Hakimi... Actually I dah teracun but the racun is not strong enough, unless someone tells the figures [not butt_dyno feel] - such as improvement on century acceleration timing and/or top speed... so far only bhp and torque readings given but not the actual performance data..
I'm looking for at least 5% improvement in sprinting/standing time or/and 5%kph more top speed...
U got the data to share aaah?
in the dktuning webbie they said the top speed now is 234kph. that is +-15%. so apa tunggu lagiiii.....heheeeeeeee.....
Kikk kikkk... senok peghok la uncle ketawa! 234km/hr on gps [probably nearly 240km/hr on the speedometer] is too good to be true. At that speed surely got plastic trims on the stock 308 flying off oredy...
BTW I'm waiting for the actual figures from ppl like Verm, Zubairauto and alike...
Looking for 8.2~8.5sec century accel. and 225~230kph top speed only...
laaa....laju sangat dia taknak pulak....heheeee...
verm & zubair....cepatla racun uncle nih.....duit dia dah standby tuh...
fyi, civic 2.0 top speed is 225kmh....camna nk tapau civic with our stock top speed niii....
Stock Civic 2.0 can hit 225km/hr aa? R U sure?
But these one don't play play:
Civic Type R = 235kph
Civic FD2 = 264kph
sure uncle...civic fd2 2.0...
proven kat MEX....on flat road the top speed is 220kmh. turun bukit sikit dpt la 225kmh.
my 308 on flat dpt la 205kmh. tu pun sy dah berdiri tegak dah dlm kete tu.
Aik 205kph saja? Tak percayier lah...Uncle nyer 214kph [on speedo]atas jalan rata, 218kph on slightly sloping down itu pun pijak accelerator sebelah kaki jer, he heeee...
betui uncle. pasai apa ye????
maybe due to heavy panaromic roof???
xpe nanti kita sama2 test.
seriously uncle d ... urs seems like faster than stock thp ...
Verm... yes it was 218kph but I think it could be speedo reading error - GPS records maximum speed when going down gentle slope was 214kph.
Remember last year?.... I showed U @Juru the GPS records 210kph max. but the speedo read 214kph.
I think the speedo reads +4kph at any speed. What about yours?
mine same like urs with gps around 5km/h error.
My gps unit is not very accurate ..nokia built in so cannot use to check speed.
Maybe i'll do another trial after my next service. Have to find a landing strip first ..hehe
what is ur top speed now?
last time tried on speedo is just after the 220 mark .. no co-pilot so cannot take camera. Hand is tight on steering.
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